What’s next?

The project has officially kicked-off, and the team is ready to start working on the next steps!
The meeting: The consortium’s first meeting took place on beautiful sunny days, at #Patradise! All participants were very happy, since we found ourselves in Greece, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, working with amazing people in such an interesting project! It took us no more than ten minutes to relax and communicate as a team, and we knew right from that moment, that this partnership will achieve great things! After our first laughs… snacks… and of course, Greek coffees, we were ready to start discussing on the main project results, and the next steps on the iLearn4health project!
The project has three Results:
- PR1: Electronic Diagnostic Tool for diagnosis of the factors that influence students’ effectiveness of knowledge acquisition in Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL)
- PR2: Digital Educational Games for health promotion and health education in primary schools
- PR3: Online Training Program in Health Promotion and Health Education through DGBL
What are the next steps?
- PR1: Electronic Diagnostic Tool for diagnosis of the factors that influence students’ effectiveness of knowledge acquisition in Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL)
Regarding our first project result, our coordinator, University of Patras, will develop the questionnaires for the Electronic Diagnostic Tool. It was agreed, by the partnership, that there will be four different questionnaires in total; three questionnaires for students, one per each group targeted by the project, and one questionnaire for teachers. Following the development of the questionnaire and the evaluation of the process, our responsible partners will start working on the technical development of the Electronic Diagnostic Tool, in all partners languages.
Stay tuned for the questionnaires and the pilot testing period of this Project Result!!
- PR2: Digital Educational Games for health promotion and health education in primary schools
Since we are focusing on Digital Game Based Learning, the partnership agreed on the development scenarios for the online game. The game thematics are, Stereotypes and stigma in community, Healthy dietary habits, Sexual health promotion and interpersonal relationships-The gender difference, Internet addiction, Be Active-Train yourself, and Accidents and Protection. Each partner will develop one game thematic respectively.
Stay tuned for the online Educational Game!!
- PR3: Online Training Program in Health Promotion and Health Education through DGBL
During our meeting, the University of Patras, presented the aim of the online Training Program, and the methodology for the development of the training course. The next steps are to base the teacher’s Training course to each of the game’s thematic, that will be developed on our PR2.
Great products are coming, so stay tuned!!!